Introduction to New Digital Media: reading and blog task
Media Magazine 56
The article on "Living and learning in a digital age" looked at how teenagers of this generation use the media and the research that has been made to look at the difference between the the use of digital media in and out of school. Through this article the key concept from the research was the fact that research was conducted that suggested that schools are less interested in cultural and social uses of the media than in ways that they can make management and control more effective. Furthermore, the article talks about how schools manage behavior, how media is used at home and at schools.

The A2 essay was successful due to the fact that the student used valid and current news to back up their point. As well as, using media terminology. It states both advantages and disadvantages setting out a balanced argument which is not bias.
3) How has digital media changed life in the last 5 years (for positive or negative)?
Digital media has changed drastically changed over the last five years nevertheless, it could be argued that it has changed for both positive and negative reasons. Due to the digital media we are now able to access a wide range of sources that consumers were not able to do in the past.
Page 10: Living and learning in a digital age.
Page 46: Periscope and the implications of live streaming.
Page 53: A2 A* exam essay on Spotify.
1) Read the first two articles. Write one paragraph on each summing up the key aspects.
The article on "Living and learning in a digital age" looked at how teenagers of this generation use the media and the research that has been made to look at the difference between the the use of digital media in and out of school. Through this article the key concept from the research was the fact that research was conducted that suggested that schools are less interested in cultural and social uses of the media than in ways that they can make management and control more effective. Furthermore, the article talks about how schools manage behavior, how media is used at home and at schools.
2) Now read the A2 A* essay. Why do you think it was so successful?
The A2 essay was successful due to the fact that the student used valid and current news to back up their point. As well as, using media terminology. It states both advantages and disadvantages setting out a balanced argument which is not bias.
3) How has digital media changed life in the last 5 years (for positive or negative)?
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