NDM: The decline of the newspaper industry - the future of newspapers- Build The Wall

Build The Wall
                             Article from the Economist on the future of newspapers

1) Do you agree with its view that it is ‘a cause for concern, but not for panic’?

I personally agree to a certain extent as we are n ow moving into a age of technology where print is no longer necessary due to the accessibility that new digital media allows us to have.
2) The article is 10 years old - an eternity in digital media terms. Have the writer's predictions come to pass? Use statistics from your Ofcom research to support or challenge the writer's argument.

3) The Economist suggests that high-quality journalism in the future will be backed by non-profit organisations rather than profit-seeking media corporations. Is there any evidence for this? How is the Guardian funded? What do major stories from the last year such as the Panama Papers suggest about how investigative journalism is conducted in the digital age?

The article, Build The Wall, is available here on the Columbia Journalism Review website.

Your tasks are as follows:

1) Read the article in full.

2) Create a blogpost on your MEST3 Exam Blog called 'Build The Wall analysis'. 

3) Summarise each section in one sentence:
·                     Section 1 (To all of the bystanders reading this…)
·                     Section 2 (Truth is, a halting movement toward...)
·                     Section 3 (Beyond Mr. Sulzberger and Ms. Weymouth…)
·                     Section 4 (For the industry, it is later than it should be…)

4) Summarise David Simon’s overall argument in 250 words.

5) Read this Guardian comment by AC Grayling piece on the state of journalism that was published the year before David Simon's essay.
What references to new and digital media can you find in AC Grayling's argument? Overall, do you feel the comment piece is positive or negative about the influence of new/digital media on the newspaper industry?

6) Finally, what is your own opinion? Do you agree that newspapers need to put online content behind a paywall in order for the journalism industry to survive? Would you be willing to pay for news online? Critical autonomy is the key skill in A2 Media - you need to be able form opinions on these issues.


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