NDM: The decline in newspapers - MM Case Studies
The New Day
1) What was the New Day trying to achieve?
to start a trend for audiences to download newspapers
2) List the key statistics on the first page: how many people buy newspapers in the UK? How has this declined in the last year?
The Independent was also launched in 1986 on 7 October, and continued publishing until 26 March 2016, when it folded (although its sister publication, the i, remains, as does its online presence). The European,founded in 1990 and lasting until 1998, was only published once a week.
3) What audience were the New Day trying to attract?
The audience that New Day aim to target were females and males aged 35-55. Due to these demographics, the publication were going for those who wanted a 'modern approach to news' as well as an unbiased one from a political standpoint.
4) Why do you think the New Day failed so spectacularly? There are several possible reasons listed in the article but do develop your own opinion here as well.
I personally think that the New Day failed due to the fact that the newspaper industry is already declining and failing and so it would be difficult to maintain an audience which now prefer reading news online or watching TV rather than reading a newspaper.
The Guardian
Media Magazine 57
The Guardian is another British newspaper struggling with a steep decline in print sales. However, the Guardian's survival strategy has been built around a global online approach to digital content.
- One million people have stopped buying newspapers in the last 2 years
- About 6 million people buy a newspaper in Britain everyday
- February 2016: The Guardian was behind the market leader Mail Online (14 million) but ahead of the Telegraph (4 million).
- In the course of 2015, the Guardian reportedly lost ‘around £70 million with slower-than-expected digital ad sales failing to offset a continued slump in revenue from print
- This led to cutbacks of 20%
3) What global event did The Guardian's digital coverage win awards for?
The Guardian was applauded for its comprehensive news service which was see to provide consistent innovation news.
4) In your opinion, will the global website strategy be enough to save The Guardian?
I believe the global website strategy can be enough to save The Guardian as it reaches a wider audience therefore, creating a more stable way to make revenue. Similarly, with social media being one of the biggest platforms it makes it easier for journalists to blog their stories.
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